

Snowshoeing in the Kõnnu Wetlands

The Kõnnu Wetlands have a special atmosphere. A lake that rests between eskers in a giant basin has paludified over the course of thousands of years. The surface of this light-filled swamp is densely covered with bog-pools. The beautiful panoramic view to the otherworldly landscape that is ornate with bonsai-like pines can be enjoyed from the top of the lookout tower that has been erected in the middle of the swamp near Lake Paukjärv.
The price includes the hike, snowshoes, poles, and if necessary, leggings, and a guide. At the end of the hike, you can enjoy a picnic, sit around a campfire, and talk about the hike.
We recommend wearing rubber boots and clothes that fit the season (including a hat).
The minimum fee for a group of up to 10 people is 300 euros, the fee for each additional person is 26 euros.






Suru küla , Kuusalu vald, Harju maakond