Mustjõe bird observation tower

Mustjõe bird observation tower

Paldiski maantee-92, Haabersti linnaosa, Tallinn

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Rocca al Mare district is one of the best bird observation places in Tallinn, as it is an important stopping and feeding place for protected birds. The 9-metre observation tower, situated on a rise next to the Stroomi-Rocca al Mare cycle and pedestrian track, is nearly 13 metres tall in absolute terms.
189 bird species, including 63 protected ones, have been observed in the Mustjõe area. There is also an information board next to the tower. The rigid and massive construction of the tower minimises rocking caused by wind and the movement of people, making it possible to take photos on a tripod.
The tower can accommodate 20 people at a time.

Times and prices

Open all year round

24 hours

Features and amenities

Getting there


  • Signposted
  • Sealed access road
  • On foot only


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